Common Shower and Tub Problems

15 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you stay in your house long enough, you'll eventually develop problems with your shower or bathtub. You likely use the shower regularly, so occasional problems are expected. Indeed, homeowners often call plumbers specifically because their shower or bathtub is not acting the way it should.  Below are some of the common problems that have plumbers visiting homes.

1. Noisy Shower Valve

The shower valve controls the water's flow and temperature. When it's running smoothly, it shouldn't make any sound. However, homeowners often call the plumber because they hear a rattling or knocking sound. Plumbers might make a series of adjustments related to water pressure, washer replacement, and even how the pipes attach to the framing.

2. Low Water Pressure

Several plumbing components go into your shower's water pressure. Therefore, you might sometimes turn on the shower and experience low water pressure. The issue might be a clog that's developed deep in your pipes or even a burst pipe. The issue could also be with your water heater if it's clogged or damaged.

3. Inconsistent Temperature

Another issue that you could track to your water heater is inconsistent temperature. Sometimes the water won't stay hot, which is a sign your heater has developed an issue. Perhaps you feel a burst of scalding water when someone uses another plumbing feature in the house. Your plumber might suggest high-efficiency fixtures that reduce the amount of cold water needed.

4. Slow Drainage

Another sign of clogged pipes is if the water drains out of your shower or tub slowly. You might pour hot water down the drain to see if it bursts the clog. If not, a plumber might use a snake to remove the clog. If the issue is related to calcium buildup, they might need to employ other techniques. They might also diagnose a burst pipe.

5. Strangely Colored Water

You expect your water to run clear, so colored water definitely heralds a problem. If it's white or cloudy, you probably have air in your pipes. Green water signifies the beginning of corrosion in your copper pipes. If it gets to blue, the corrosion is almost complete. Red or brown water tells you rust is in your pipes, possibly from a water main break.

6. Smelly Water

In addition to colorless, water should be odorless, too. Clogs could be the culprit. Another issue is if mold has made its way into your pipes — the odor will be obvious, then. Bacterial activity because of loose sewage will smell like rotten eggs. Naturally, you'll want a plumber to attend to any of these issues.

Call local plumbing services if you have any of the above problems with your shower or bathtub.
