3 Tips For Troubleshooting Your Heating System
It can be frustrating to deal with a heating system that is malfunctioning, especially when the cold weather hits. While there are many problems that will require an HVAC technician to fix for you, some of them any homeowner should be capable of doing on their own. Here are a few tips and tricks to troubleshoot basic problems so that you can fix them.
Change Air Filters
Do you remember the last time you changed your air filter? It may be long overdue and actually be causing a problem with a forced air heating system. Filters that are completely clogged are going to prevent heat from passing through them, which makes the entire system work harder than it has to in order to heat your home. Try replacing the filter to see if it makes a big difference since it is a cheap and effective solution that can work.
It will also help to set reminders on your phone to change the air filter as instructed by the manufacturer. Some filters need to be changed annually, while others are much more frequent. The good news is that the frequently changed filters are also cheaper as well.
Reset Your Thermostat
It's always worth investigating if something is wrong with your thermostat by resetting it. Clearing the settings and returning it to the factory default can be a great way to quickly see if the thermostat is causing the problems. You may have schedules set in the thermostat that you were not aware of, or settings in place that are preventing the heat from turning on. This is especially true of smart thermostats that can design a schedule based on what it thinks your heating needs are, which may not be accurate.
Bleed The Radiators
Do you have a heating system that uses radiators? It can help to bleed the entire system to get rid of the air that is trapped inside. Pockets of air can prevent hot water from getting to the places that it needs to go to heat your home, and you end up with radiators that appear as if they are not working. There is typically a valve on each radiator that can be opened with a screwdriver, and doing so will cause a loud hissing sound to occur as air escapes. Just be prepared for water to come out once all the air is gone and the water can travel to the radiator.
Contact a local heating repair service to learn more.